JESS - Brass Lessons

What were they for?

education, brass, trombone

education, brass, trombone, trumpet

Rhythm Challenge

education, brass, trombone

Practice, practice, practice!

Blowing Challenge

The sound is produced by the player buzzing their lips into a mouthpiece..

education, brass, trombone

education, brass, trombone


education, brass, trombone, rules, play it safe
education, brass, trombone, rules, silence

Hand Position

Hold the instrument with your left hand and move the slide or press the pistons with your right hand.

education, brass, trombone

education, brass, trombone, trumpet

Music Challenge

education, brass, trombone

Count, brethe and blow!

Famous Brass Ensembles

Canadian Brass

Canadian Brass is a brass quintet conformed of 2 trumpets, 1 trombone, 1 french horn and 1 tuba.


MNOZIL BRASS is a brass ensemble conformed of 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and 1 tuba.


HIGH & MIGHTY BRASS BAND is a brass ensemble conformed of 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, 1 tuba, guitar and drums.

Activity. Famous brass ensembles (activity #2).pdf